Monday, May 28, 2012

Adding Google apps to Android on the H-P TouchPad

Rating: You end up with access to Google Play

Android could save H-P

Regular readers may recall that GoMobile News finally bit the bullet and installed a version of Android (4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich) on our HP TouchPad tablet here. Given H-P?s current woes, Android is obviously the future for H-P tablets. Anyway, for copyright reasons, GoMobile News didn?t install the full set of Google apps because legally it isn?t permitted. See our previous story here.These apps include standards such as Google Maps and, importantly, Android Market/Google Play.

Hence, GoMobile News has been contacted by a reader who has installed Google Apps after reading our initial report.

The main omission on our behalf was to fail to install a file called

This is the ?ClockworkMod? and crucially it offers the opportunity to install new apps on the TouchPad after Android/Cyanogenmod9 has been installed.

Following the instructions given in our original article, our brave reader put the zipped file onto the TouchPad and into the same ?cminstall? folder as created and used before.

He also place a file called Gapps 4.0.3 into the same folder (cminstall) without unzipping it.

Here?s the interesting bit ?ClockwordMod installed when using the ACMEInstaller2 application but Gapps didn?t.

Don?t worry because the solution is to reboot the TouchPad and when present with the standard moboot menu, you should not see an option to boot into ClockworkMod.

If you manage to boot correctly, you can then go through the Clockwork Mod menu systems until you find the option to install a zipped file from the ?SD card?. It?s not really the SD card, it?s the internal memory.

But- hey ? it still works and the whole process resulted in those vital Google apps being installed.

Interestingly, after running the Android Market app for the first time, it even automatically renamed itself Google Play.

Our reader would like to thank Liliputing for its excellent advice which solved a particularly thorny problem. You can read the actual article which helped here.

Our reader reports that the only problem with installing Google apps is that now he wants to add an external (Bluetooth) GPS device so that Google Maps works perfectly.

Tony Dennis is now editor of GoMo News. It was previously owned by founder - Bena Roberts until she sold her shares recently.

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It was a test with a normal PS3 with firmware 2.8 against a PS3 Slim with firmware 3.0, both using the game Uncharted: Drake Once installed you can choose the activation method and we will get a sidebar where we have access to the shortcuts you've set quickly. From the basic options such as (Reuters) ? Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha super For those who would have some serious results coupled with your new music fast, always s Mutuals and companies Google updated their search algorithm to filter out low quality sites "webspam" in the search results.

Google said that its filter is designed to sift through the sites that are .. Google has just introduced a new interface for its social network product, Google More. A simple design, beautiful and intuitive says the giant search engine.

According to the vice president of Google, the new provision was designed to make the interface more .. For a Web faster and faster, the search engine giant said it made some time that the download speed of web pages will be considered in the criteria for placement in search results, a sign that pushed webmasters makers and the Web to improve the performance and quality of their sites. The diagram shows the global ranking of countries in relation to the speed per second for downloading Web pages. Morocco is the first African country in the list followed by South Africa in second place. Note that Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) arrives on the market for routers heart of the fastest internet (estimated at four billion dollars per year) with groundbreaking technologies designed to enhance the capacity and connectivity, limit consumption of energy and dramatically reduce the costs of communications networks worldwide. For more information, consult the press release product. The Telecommunications Group today unveiled products aimed at modernizing the global Internet infrastructure to suit the new generation of video services and cloud. Like the telephone exchanges to control the flow of voice traffic and communications, the heart of network routers IP (Internet Protocol) control the flow of data and video traffic in urban areas and cities, the infrastructure network national and global Internet. The adoption of smartphones, tablets, televisions and other connected terminals causes a sharp rise in demand for data services and web video, delivered through broadband networks over copper, fiber or moving faster. The current dynamics are forcing operators to increase more quickly the ability of their core networks. Add to this the emergence of cloud services and personalized content networks that require more flexible, able to bend quickly to the needs of individuals and businesses. Ben Verwaayen, CEO Alcatel-Lucent, said: "The new digital economy needs to evolve networks capable of rapidly and continuously to manage and route the data traffic, and thus connect users to their content and their applications in the cloud. Our entry into this market is in the world of data, a revolution similar to that of telephone exchanges. With our technologies, our customers optimize Internet services, video, games, photo sharing and professional applications consume large quantities of data. ". In his speech at the annual Technology Symposium Alcatel-Lucent, Ben Verwaayen said that these new technologies had their origins in the IP division of the company. The latter has already conquered more than 25% of the market "edge routers" for service providers ? namely systems that handle high-speed connections and quality of residential and business services. Estimated Alcatel-Lucent's new products ? which took more than three years of development ? multiply by five the capacity and performance, and reduce energy consumption by 66% over the heart of network routers IP standard today. Operators currently spend four billion dollars a year in such facilities and, according to Bell Labs, their total energy consumption will exceed 1.8 terawatt in 2016, consumption of 128,000 households. Basil Alwan, president of the IP division of Alcatel-Lucent, said: "For over ten years, we are investing in advanced technologies, silicon and software. In June 2011, for example, we unveiled our network processor FP3. Today, we apply this technology to major nodes of the Internet, namely the heart of network routers. Our routing system XRS 7950 comes at the intersection points of the largest Internet, where every second, billions of messages are redirected. Our technology will enable our customers to increase capacity, to manage traffic more flexibly and reduce energy consumption for broadband networks more efficient in the world. ". Large telecom operators, including BT, NTT and Verizon Communications, welcomed the announcement from Alcatel-Lucent and its potential to improve the global Internet. Karl Penaluna, president of Global Networks and Systems BT: "BT is constantly investing in its networks to offer broadband services more efficient and innovative in its business customers and general public. We use the 7750 Service Router, Alcatel-Lucent for many years through the deployment of our project 21CN across the UK. To absorb rising traffic volumes and provide cloud services from our data processing centers, we need hearts of national and metropolitan networks capable of providing links and 100G. We also seek to permanently reduce our physical footprint and power consumption per bit, and it's very encouraging to see that Alcatel-Lucent works with this perspective in his 7950 XRS. ". Fumio Ito, Vice President Network Services NTT Communications Technology: "The success of our broadband services around the world leads to a strong increase in traffic on our IP network. With this increase, we must optimize energy use and space management of our infrastructure. We are pleased to see Alcatel-Lucent propose innovations in this direction, and that will give us the means to manage our costs and operational problems. ". Ihab Tarazi, vice president, Global IP and Transport Planning and Technology Verizon: "The metro Ethernet services Verizon experiencing very strong growth. Technologies such as the routing system XRS 7950 Alcatel-Lucent will help us efficiently scale to support higher speeds and new capabilities, while providing efficiency and flexibility. We applaud Alcatel-Lucent for its bold approach that captures a different value and performance of routers. ". Check out the latest issue of TechZine Alcatel-Lucent: Building a Core Router for the Next Decade [provide the routing of the heart of the network for ten years] (in English).

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Airlines, Farm Groups Petition Senate for Military Biofuels

farm and industry groups petition senate for alternative fuelsAirlines for America, the American Farm Bureau Federation and other groups banded together last week to ask the Senate Armed Services Committee to quit blocking biofuels and alternative fuels for the Department of Defense.The unusual alliance teams traditional industry and agriculture associations with alternative energy leaders including the Advanced Biofuels Association and the Algal Biomass Organization.

U.S. military and alternative fuels

As covered numerous times in CleanTechnica (here, here and here), the Department of Defense is a key research partner and eager customer for the alternative energy sector, including solar, wind and geothermal as well as liquid fuels.

The military?s interest in fuel diversity and clean energy is straightforward. As a fact-based organization (facts being literally a life-and-death matter), DoD recognizes that fuel diversity will play a critical role in its future effectiveness, both in military and humanitarian operations. DoD also recognizes the importance of? managing greenhouse gas emissions, as a means of tempering emerging threats and conflicts related to global warming.

Penny wise and fuel foolish

In blocking the DoD?s purchase of alternative fuels, both the House and Senate committees did not provide a long term strategic rationale for the decision. The new policy is simply based on current prices. If it stands, the new policy prevents DoD from purchasing any alternative fuels that cost more than fossil fuels.

In addition, the Senate also tacked on a provision blocking DoD from building biofuel refineries without specific authorization from Congress.

Oil, biofuels and budgets

In its letter last week to the Senate committee, the group (including the Biotechnology Industry Organization, Growth Energy, and the Pew Charitable Trusts along with the aforementioned ones) aimed squarely at the lack of foresight behind the new policy:

?Continued reliance on foreign oil puts U.S. national security at risk. Oil market volatility has already wreaked havoc on military budgets, which came at the cost of new equipment and training for our troops and reduced military readiness.?

In just the past couple of years, according to the letter, DoD had a $5.6 billion shortfall in military operations and maintenance due to unanticipated higher fuel costs.

Building an alternative fuel market

Thanks in part to purchasing and research support from DoD and other federal agencies, the cost of military grade biofuels in test quantities has plunged over the past two years, and the letter notes that commercial-scale production will lead to further declines.

In that context, the maneuvering in Congress seems more and more like a desperate, last ditch attempt to monkey wrench the inevitable transition to alternative fuels, rather than a responsible exercise of legislative authority.

Image: Some rights reserved by OmarRiva.

Follow me on Twitter: @TinaMCasey.

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Actor Gary Sinise honors the troops [VIDEO]

Actor Gary Sinise was in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to honor U.S. service members and their families at the ?Hope for Warriors? gala.

?I got involved with it three years ago through my friend John Vigiano? who lost two sons on September 11,? Sinise told The Daily Caller. ?One was a police officer the other a fire fighter. He and I met on my first trip to Iraq back in 2003.?

Sinise, who portrayed a disabled Vietnam War veteran in ?Forrest Gump,? said the organization he supports is particularly reliable.

?Over the years there have been a lot of different organizations that have popped up to try to fill the gaps, to try to help wounded warriors or gold star families or various causes related to the war and 10 or 11 years of deployment and stress on our military,? he said, ?but some of them have really stood out and risen above some of the others ones and ?Hope for the Warriors? is one of those that is a reliable go-to organization.?

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10 million years to recover from mass extinction

10 million years to recover from mass extinction [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-May-2012
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Contact: Philippa Walker
University of Bristol

It took some 10 million years for Earth to recover from the greatest mass extinction of all time, latest research has revealed.

Life was nearly wiped out 250 million years ago, with only 10 per cent of plants and animals surviving. It is currently much debated how life recovered from this cataclysm, whether quickly or slowly.

Recent evidence for a rapid bounce-back is evaluated in a new review article by Dr Zhong-Qiang Chen, from the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, and Professor Michael Benton from the University of Bristol. They find that recovery from the crisis lasted some 10 million years, as explained today [27 May] in Nature Geoscience.

There were apparently two reasons for the delay, the sheer intensity of the crisis, and continuing grim conditions on Earth after the first wave of extinction.

The end-Permian crisis, by far the most dramatic biological crisis to affect life on Earth, was triggered by a number of physical environmental shocks - global warming, acid rain, ocean acidification and ocean anoxia. These were enough to kill off 90 per cent of living things on land and in the sea.

Dr Chen said: "It is hard to imagine how so much of life could have been killed, but there is no doubt from some of the fantastic rock sections in China and elsewhere round the world that this was the biggest crisis ever faced by life."

Current research shows that the grim conditions continued in bursts for some five to six million years after the initial crisis, with repeated carbon and oxygen crises, warming and other ill effects.

Some groups of animals on the sea and land did recover quickly and began to rebuild their ecosystems, but they suffered further setbacks. Life had not really recovered in these early phases because permanent ecosystems were not established.

Professor Benton, Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology at the University of Bristol, said: "Life seemed to be getting back to normal when another crisis hit and set it back again. The carbon crises were repeated many times, and then finally conditions became normal again after five million years or so."

Finally, after the environmental crises ceased to be so severe, more complex ecosystems emerged. In the sea, new groups, such as ancestral crabs and lobsters, as well as the first marine reptiles, came on the scene, and they formed the basis of future modern-style ecosystems.

Professor Benton added: "We often see mass extinctions as entirely negative but in this most devastating case, life did recover, after many millions of years, and new groups emerged. The event had re-set evolution. However, the causes of the killing - global warming, acid rain, ocean acidification - sound eerily familiar to us today. Perhaps we can learn something from these ancient events."


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10 million years to recover from mass extinction [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-May-2012
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Contact: Philippa Walker
University of Bristol

It took some 10 million years for Earth to recover from the greatest mass extinction of all time, latest research has revealed.

Life was nearly wiped out 250 million years ago, with only 10 per cent of plants and animals surviving. It is currently much debated how life recovered from this cataclysm, whether quickly or slowly.

Recent evidence for a rapid bounce-back is evaluated in a new review article by Dr Zhong-Qiang Chen, from the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, and Professor Michael Benton from the University of Bristol. They find that recovery from the crisis lasted some 10 million years, as explained today [27 May] in Nature Geoscience.

There were apparently two reasons for the delay, the sheer intensity of the crisis, and continuing grim conditions on Earth after the first wave of extinction.

The end-Permian crisis, by far the most dramatic biological crisis to affect life on Earth, was triggered by a number of physical environmental shocks - global warming, acid rain, ocean acidification and ocean anoxia. These were enough to kill off 90 per cent of living things on land and in the sea.

Dr Chen said: "It is hard to imagine how so much of life could have been killed, but there is no doubt from some of the fantastic rock sections in China and elsewhere round the world that this was the biggest crisis ever faced by life."

Current research shows that the grim conditions continued in bursts for some five to six million years after the initial crisis, with repeated carbon and oxygen crises, warming and other ill effects.

Some groups of animals on the sea and land did recover quickly and began to rebuild their ecosystems, but they suffered further setbacks. Life had not really recovered in these early phases because permanent ecosystems were not established.

Professor Benton, Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology at the University of Bristol, said: "Life seemed to be getting back to normal when another crisis hit and set it back again. The carbon crises were repeated many times, and then finally conditions became normal again after five million years or so."

Finally, after the environmental crises ceased to be so severe, more complex ecosystems emerged. In the sea, new groups, such as ancestral crabs and lobsters, as well as the first marine reptiles, came on the scene, and they formed the basis of future modern-style ecosystems.

Professor Benton added: "We often see mass extinctions as entirely negative but in this most devastating case, life did recover, after many millions of years, and new groups emerged. The event had re-set evolution. However, the causes of the killing - global warming, acid rain, ocean acidification - sound eerily familiar to us today. Perhaps we can learn something from these ancient events."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

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Xbox 720 Launch Set for November 2013, MMO Shooter as First ...

Call of Duty MW 3(Photo: Call of Duty | iTechPost)

The next generation of consoles is slowly creeping up on us like a thief in the night, and excitement levels are reaching a new all-time high. Reports are streaming in about Microsoft plans to launch its next generation Xbox gaming console in time for the holidays in 2013. The device, which is dubbed as ?Xbox 720,? has been published in a developer contract between Activision Blizzard, and Halo developer Bungie.

Bungie is said to be working on a Massive Multiplayer First Person Shooter called Destiny. The game is expected to launch alongside the Xbox 720 when the console goes on sale in 2013. The game, which will have a science fiction theme, is expected to be released both on the current Xbox 360 and the Xbox 720. Some might see Destiny as an answer to Sony?s own Massive Multiplayer Shooter, Planetside 2, which is aiming for a late 2012 or early 2013 release. If the first Destiny is successful, there will be an additional 3 titles to turn the game into a series. Since it is a Massive Multiplayer shooter, there probably won?t be a yearly release, which means this series could take years to meet its end.

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Future PlayStation 4 gamers need not worry; Destiny is destined to become a PS4 title, however, not until 2014, a year after releasing on the Xbox 720. Since the game will also make it to the Xbox 360, we?re not sure if the same applies for the PS3, or Bungie will focus its efforts on a single PlayStation console.

Activision Blizzard also have a few games in the pipeline for the Xbox 720, though no word on what the game is called and when gamers can get their sweaty little palms on it. One thing is for sure, Call of Duty is one of them, as we expect Activision Blizzard to continue its yearly release of the franchise.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Some kind of magical collage roleplay.

That's the gist of it in the title, I do have a basic idea for a world but it's just an AGFU (Another Generic Fantasy Universe for short) at the moment, mostly inspired by D&D with a tiny bit of Final fantasy (Giant chickens! =D) thrown in. Also has regular, modern day tech as well, magic is no stranger but not an easy art to even get into. I normally go for making the whole universe and picking a small role to help things along while seeing what people do in the universe but I've been lucky to get one person at all for the last few years, and I'm loosing the will to put a proper story together so I'm thinking of just having this one be slice-of-life instead.

The actual collage itself is set into a snowy cliff with one building for the twelve available classrooms half built into the cliff-face with the first level underground, accessed by stairs for a waiting hall that leads up to the actual classrooms. Meanwhile an opposite apartment block is set into the stone as well, more like a large house since as well as the meagre kitchens available in each tiny apartment to curtail mid-night snacks there is also a dining hall that functions as a meeting area for students when there's nothing else to do, there are also additional bathrooms and showers opposite it in case water-freezing causes the in-apartment plumbing to freeze.

Sorry if it's a little messy, I've been a little out of element lately.

Thoughts and ideas for this concept?

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SEO services company Montreal: What you want | SEO Complete ...

Report by Yasir Samad

Search engine marketing companies business Montreal: What you want ? Lookup Engines ? SE Optimization

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Today research engine optimization is the prerequisite and demand for every single web site. Search engine optimisation participate in very vital part in developing a web site well-liked amid the search engines. These characteristics also support to advertise the product or service or the firm. Nearly all companies these days consider benefit from Seo services in Montreal, as these are expense-efficient, productive and supply groundwork to market the merchandise, solutions or a organization.

Article composing is one particular of the principal characteristics of Search engine marketing. Write-up gives data about any company and its merchandise and providers. So it really is extremely important to create properly examined articles. A very good and apt article generates more and a lot more guests on the web site. Search engine optimisation Montreal organizations aid in strengthening position of the internet site by creating exclusive content. A whole lot of Search engine optimization providers in Montreal organizations are working with skilled teams to increase the product sales of customer?s items.

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Search engine optimization has large price in the net globe. To be on the on the web marketing system, it is most important for a organization to have a well intended web site. The Search engine optimisation providers Montreal Firm make sure that organization?s site turn into far more visible on the net. Seo Montreal Organization are fairly effective and expense-successful. A whole lot of companies are delivering their Search engine optimisation remedies all over the planet to get much more website visitors for your organization?s website. But it is vital and suggested to use an effective Search engine optimization firm to boost and quickly draw in site visitors. There are several positive aspects of choosing a professional Search engine optimisation for the business. Search engine optimization companies are really value-productive and productive in character because of to the substantial need around the globe.

Search engine marketing specialists are properly certified who make sure to get the internet site on 1st web page of the best the research engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask etc. If a site is on the very first web page, it means much more website visitors to the web site which is productive for the firm. Search engine optimization experts are employing specific techniques to get their customer?s site on the first web page of the search engine and content composing are one particular such approach.

About the Writer

&lthr&gtYasir Samad is a head marketing and advertising and Search engine optimization expert forHilal Engineering. Hilal Technological innovation gives awide variety of Search engine optimization and web site style providers.&lthr&gt&lt/hr&gt&lt/hr&gt

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Windows Phone Cake Contest: Bake a Cake, Win a Windows Phone

Redmond-based software giant Microsoft is not shy to boast about Windows Phone?s start screen. Microsoft?s Michael Stroh for example described the start screen as ?pretty sweet.? And speaking about things that are pretty sweet, Windows Phone fans shared pics of cakes that present the smartphone?s start screen via Windows Phone?s Facebook page.

And that got the Windows Phone team thinking ? why don?t we turn this into an opportunity to give away some stuff? So the Windows Phone team decided to run a competition that can be resumed in a just a few words: bake a cake that focuses on Windows Phone and you could win a Windows Phone.

The Windows Phone Team announced via its blog and via its Facebook page that if you create a Windows Phone-themed cake, take a pic of the aforementioned cake, then submit the pick on the Cake Contest Facebook page, you have the chance to win cool new Windows Phone (the team did not specify what model Windows phone).

Please note that you must be the one who baked the cake in the image; it doesn?t matter if it is an old image, it only matters that you baked it. You should also note that the all entries for the contest must be received by May 30th. The community will be asked to vote on these entries; the voting ends on June 6th. The three entrants that receive the most votes during this period will be rewarded with a new Windows Phone.

That?s right! Microsoft will give away three Windows Phones as part of the Windows Phone Cake Contest. The three most popular Windows Phone-themed cakes will be rewarded with a Windows Phone.

If you want to find out more about the rules of the Windows Phone Cake Contest, Microsoft posted them on SkyDrive here.

Tags: Microsoft, Windows Phone, Facebook, cake, contest

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Bristol Palin Reality Show to Revisit Infamous Heckling Incident

Bristol Palin's new reality show on Lifetime, entitled Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp (get it!?!), premieres next month. And what a show it should be.

In addition to her home life, the show contains plenty of footage from her life as a quasi-celebrity after her appearance on Dancing With the Stars.

Perhaps most notably, her infamous altercation with a boisterous man at Saddle Ranch in Hollywood when she went out mechanical bull riding.

Bristol received flack for asking if he was gay after he called her mom a “whore” and the “f*cking devil” and asked if she "rides Levi like that."

When she's not getting heckled and responding with unnecessary gay remarks, the daughter of Sarah Palin spends the bulk of her time as a mom.

The show centers around Bristol settling into life in L.A. with her three-year-old son Tripp. Her sister Willow comes along to help look after the boy.

The outspoken "celibacy activist" (a choice line from Lifetime's bio of her) says that she wants to clear up a lot of the misconceptions about her.

Also subject of the reality show is her on-again, off-again boyfriend Gino Paoletti, who she’s been seeing intermittently for the past few years.

Will you watch Bristol Palin's reality show?

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Stuck ketchup problem solved by MIT engineers

Tired of vainly thumping the bottom of a ketchup bottle, trying to knock loose that last inch of condiment? There's good news: A team of engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has invented a bottle coating that makes ketchup pour as easily as milk. They say it could save 1 million tons of perfectly good but inaccessible ketchup and other food from being thrown out each year ? not to mention saving untold hours spent in frustration.

MIT doctoral candidate Dave Smith and his team of mechanical engineers and nanotechnology researchers spent the past two months considering, and then solving, the notorious difficulty of pouring thick sauces out of bottles.

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They invented LiquiGlide, a slippery coating made of nontoxic, FDA-approved materials that can be applied to the insides of food packaging, such as ketchup and mayonnaise bottles, and honey jars.

LiquiGlide is unique because it's "kind of a structured liquid," Smith told FastCompany. "It's rigid like a solid, but it's lubricated like a liquid."

The substance can be sprayed onto the surfaces of many types of packaging, including glass and plastic. As you can see in the video, the coating allows thick sauces that would normally move sluggishly against those materials' surfaces to slide out of their containers, as if suspended in space.

"It just floats right onto the sandwich," Smith said.

As for what the slippery coating is made of, Smith isn't telling, but he and his team worked only with materials that already have the FDA stamp of approval for use in food packaging, for ease of entry into the marketplace.

"I can't say what they are, but we?ve patented the hell out of it," he said. The engineers are in talks with bottle companies already. [Science Reveals How Not to Spill Your Coffee When Walking]

LiquiGlide could have other future applications, too, Smith said. "We were really interested in ? and still are ? using this coating for anti-icing, or for preventing clogs that form in oil and gas lines, or for nonwetting applications like, say, on windshields."

Stuck fluids, your days are numbered.

Follow Natalie Wolchover on Twitter @nattyover. Follow Life's Little Mysteries on Twitter @llmysteries, then join us on Facebook.

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Continuing Medical Education For Cardiac Professionals

In a discipline that?s constantly shifting and changing, the place researchers are discovering new info virtually every day and new ailments and signs are discovered with each patient it is extremely vital for medical doctors and nurses to stay abreast of modifications within the field. They do this by means of quite a lot of means, considered one of which is continuing education.

A cardiologist can spend twelve years or more in school prior to receiving their diploma between undergrad college, medical college, residency, then further coursework and residency to specialize. It could appear ludicrous to have to return to school after that period of time; after all, after ten years would not they know all there may be to know? The reply is no. The medical area is constantly open to new opportunities and information; a cardiologist who graduated medical school thirty years would not have discovered lots of the new treatment and surgical options which might be out there today. They merely didn?t have the resources or expertise then that they do now. Enter the field of constant education.

Each clinician is required to finish a set number of continuing education credits regularly, and to replace these credits regularly. These credit should not have to be executed by returning to an educational setting; most physicians would not have time to treat their sufferers and nonetheless take classes. Yearly hundreds of symposiums, conferences and workshops are held throughout the world on quite a lot of topics. These every provide a longtime variety of persevering with training credits, and most clinicians should attend a number of of these to satisfy their continuing education requirement. Here cardiac professionals can find out about new techniques to treat quite a lot of illnesses, akin to the continued curiosity in using stem cells to strengthen the heart of sufferers with congestive heart failure, or the benefits of the newly launched angiotensin II receptor blocker drugs. In this manner they can comply with all of the advances within the field without having to desert their follow and return to school.

The web has additionally opened up a beautiful alternative for well being care professionals to complete their persevering with education credit from the comfort of their homes. Many organizations provide online persevering with schooling to healthcare professionals. They might full coursework, watch on-line conferences, and virtually attend lectures. This is typically the strategy of alternative for physicians in rural areas who find it troublesome to attend conferences as a result of their distance and the dearth of different physicians to see their sufferers of their absence.

These continuing education credits could also be obtainable without charge, or a decreased value per credit hour, to physicians and group members. Continuing schooling is essential to healthcare professionals. A scarcity of continuous training will end in a clinician not being stored abreast of modifications within the area, both positive and destructive, and being unaware of which remedies have now been dominated ineffective and even hazardous. This can result in being unable to correctly deal with their sufferers, and probably endangering their lives in the process.

There is more information available about NLP training take a look at Dion O. Altadonna?s site there?s plenty of points not detailed on this page, take a look at Author?s web blog to locate extra information.

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