Monday, May 28, 2012

Fastest Internet - PeruSoftwareDeveloper

It was a test with a normal PS3 with firmware 2.8 against a PS3 Slim with firmware 3.0, both using the game Uncharted: Drake Once installed you can choose the activation method and we will get a sidebar where we have access to the shortcuts you've set quickly. From the basic options such as (Reuters) ? Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha super For those who would have some serious results coupled with your new music fast, always s Mutuals and companies Google updated their search algorithm to filter out low quality sites "webspam" in the search results.

Google said that its filter is designed to sift through the sites that are .. Google has just introduced a new interface for its social network product, Google More. A simple design, beautiful and intuitive says the giant search engine.

According to the vice president of Google, the new provision was designed to make the interface more .. For a Web faster and faster, the search engine giant said it made some time that the download speed of web pages will be considered in the criteria for placement in search results, a sign that pushed webmasters makers and the Web to improve the performance and quality of their sites. The diagram shows the global ranking of countries in relation to the speed per second for downloading Web pages. Morocco is the first African country in the list followed by South Africa in second place. Note that Alcatel-Lucent (Euronext Paris and NYSE: ALU) arrives on the market for routers heart of the fastest internet (estimated at four billion dollars per year) with groundbreaking technologies designed to enhance the capacity and connectivity, limit consumption of energy and dramatically reduce the costs of communications networks worldwide. For more information, consult the press release product. The Telecommunications Group today unveiled products aimed at modernizing the global Internet infrastructure to suit the new generation of video services and cloud. Like the telephone exchanges to control the flow of voice traffic and communications, the heart of network routers IP (Internet Protocol) control the flow of data and video traffic in urban areas and cities, the infrastructure network national and global Internet. The adoption of smartphones, tablets, televisions and other connected terminals causes a sharp rise in demand for data services and web video, delivered through broadband networks over copper, fiber or moving faster. The current dynamics are forcing operators to increase more quickly the ability of their core networks. Add to this the emergence of cloud services and personalized content networks that require more flexible, able to bend quickly to the needs of individuals and businesses. Ben Verwaayen, CEO Alcatel-Lucent, said: "The new digital economy needs to evolve networks capable of rapidly and continuously to manage and route the data traffic, and thus connect users to their content and their applications in the cloud. Our entry into this market is in the world of data, a revolution similar to that of telephone exchanges. With our technologies, our customers optimize Internet services, video, games, photo sharing and professional applications consume large quantities of data. ". In his speech at the annual Technology Symposium Alcatel-Lucent, Ben Verwaayen said that these new technologies had their origins in the IP division of the company. The latter has already conquered more than 25% of the market "edge routers" for service providers ? namely systems that handle high-speed connections and quality of residential and business services. Estimated Alcatel-Lucent's new products ? which took more than three years of development ? multiply by five the capacity and performance, and reduce energy consumption by 66% over the heart of network routers IP standard today. Operators currently spend four billion dollars a year in such facilities and, according to Bell Labs, their total energy consumption will exceed 1.8 terawatt in 2016, consumption of 128,000 households. Basil Alwan, president of the IP division of Alcatel-Lucent, said: "For over ten years, we are investing in advanced technologies, silicon and software. In June 2011, for example, we unveiled our network processor FP3. Today, we apply this technology to major nodes of the Internet, namely the heart of network routers. Our routing system XRS 7950 comes at the intersection points of the largest Internet, where every second, billions of messages are redirected. Our technology will enable our customers to increase capacity, to manage traffic more flexibly and reduce energy consumption for broadband networks more efficient in the world. ". Large telecom operators, including BT, NTT and Verizon Communications, welcomed the announcement from Alcatel-Lucent and its potential to improve the global Internet. Karl Penaluna, president of Global Networks and Systems BT: "BT is constantly investing in its networks to offer broadband services more efficient and innovative in its business customers and general public. We use the 7750 Service Router, Alcatel-Lucent for many years through the deployment of our project 21CN across the UK. To absorb rising traffic volumes and provide cloud services from our data processing centers, we need hearts of national and metropolitan networks capable of providing links and 100G. We also seek to permanently reduce our physical footprint and power consumption per bit, and it's very encouraging to see that Alcatel-Lucent works with this perspective in his 7950 XRS. ". Fumio Ito, Vice President Network Services NTT Communications Technology: "The success of our broadband services around the world leads to a strong increase in traffic on our IP network. With this increase, we must optimize energy use and space management of our infrastructure. We are pleased to see Alcatel-Lucent propose innovations in this direction, and that will give us the means to manage our costs and operational problems. ". Ihab Tarazi, vice president, Global IP and Transport Planning and Technology Verizon: "The metro Ethernet services Verizon experiencing very strong growth. Technologies such as the routing system XRS 7950 Alcatel-Lucent will help us efficiently scale to support higher speeds and new capabilities, while providing efficiency and flexibility. We applaud Alcatel-Lucent for its bold approach that captures a different value and performance of routers. ". Check out the latest issue of TechZine Alcatel-Lucent: Building a Core Router for the Next Decade [provide the routing of the heart of the network for ten years] (in English).

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