Monday, January 7, 2013

Britney of Arabia: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year kids! Hope you all had a lovely time celebrating, whatever you did. What did I do, I hear you cry? WELL it was all go, let me tell you. The barby was lit in the garden, food was roasted, champagne flowed, and then at 11.50 we walked out of the villa and watched the fireworks from the Burj Khalifa amongst all of our Satwa neighbours. It was so joyful, and I?m not ashamed to admit I felt a little emotional about the whole thing. But that could have just been the bubbles.

So what news of resolutions? I?ve never been crazy about these. I?m on a constant quest for self-improvement, goal setting, list making (the best book ever for this is here) so I?ve rarely felt the need to write a list just because it?s January 1st. I?m usually half way through two or three others!

That said, I will share a few of my thoughts with you here:

  • Continue to take huge joy in the simple things in life.
  • Get down to the running track on Jumeirah beach as often as physically possible (as per the previous point, it?s free, beautiful and oh-so good for the soul)
  • Embrace change (I already have some huge and exciting changes planned for 2013, you?ll have to wait and see what they are!)
  • Eat more egg sandwiches in the park.

That?s about it. I lead a life filled with many blessings. Here?s to many more adventures in 2013.


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